For ages I've been slightly miffed that someone has had the fucking liberty to appropriate my well earned moniker and sell it on to americans and everything attached to some very diluted singer songwriter pop. Couldn't Jem have turned out to be truly outrageous in real life too ? As is the way though I'd just heard of her. I'd not actually heard her. But that wasn't to last was it. And there she was. Floating about on a tropical Hawiiaan beach singing this bit of froth. Well who can blame the poor lass ? I love this single. Its ludicrously out of time of course summoning up the cliff/elvis travelogues of the sixties, and with a swirly pop sound summoning up nothing more challenging than the lovely Emma Bunton. And whats wrong with that. Wish i will get to about No.8 in the top ten and the album will creep back into the upper reaches of the charts in time for christmas. I've always liked a happy story.