C86. I can't stop myself. The wonderful Tangents website is run by the very fine Alistair Fitchett who on his blog the other day, published some honest answers to a questionnaire about the C86 "movement" for a Swedish guy who is doing a thesis on Bogshed or something. Sensibly enough both Alistair and Everett True (who also filled it in) were circumspect about categorising music from this period in this way, arguing that the labelling was inaccurrate in most cases and that, in the end it was just a marketing exercise by NME. I then posted a rather pompous comment to the post arguing that C86 (like "queer" presumably) had been reclaimed by the kids as a bottom up term and was now being used to help people sell stuff on eBay. I'm not certain what C86 has to do with folksonomies as it turns out (as George was quick to remind me). Too much time on Flickr has frazzled my brain. However, it is true that for some reason C86 is the term of choice to shift any of this old nonsense on eBay at the moment being attached to currently 128 items by not just the Shop Assistants, Mighty Lemon Drops and the like but (ropey) old singles by Revolving Paint Dream, Ride, Slowdive and even SWPopsters; The Redskins.
It could be worse. My mate's band the other day were dubbed, of all things; mumblecore, by the bloomin NME. Can't see theses on that in Swedish Universities in 2016.